The Joy of a Pen

One of the biggest triumphs of my life was transforming my thoughts into a book and honestly, it feels very special.

 I always appreciate the world of writing. For many, writing has mostly been viewed as a skill that is used for fun but I have enjoyed it in many beautiful ways.

 Writing is a source of happiness. Writing is an emotion. Writing is channel for our thoughts to flow through ink. Writing is a powerful tool, it can be used or abused. Writing is an art.
 We write so as to express what we can not utter or explain through gestures. It is a mind-to-heart talk where we bring our thoughts to life and pour it on the lines of the blank page. Writing simply implies painting our inner voices.

 An author does not just wake up and write so as to make a living. He/She wanted to express that burning thought or desire and so they sat down, took a pen and paper, and began writing.
 Writing comes with many benefits. It is a good means to kill boredom since we entertain ourselves through the creativity we produce and write. It is also a way to overcome stress and depression since it helps us to express our feelings in way that talking can not. Sometimes, we desperately want to talk about a feeling with someone very close but we cannot, so writing becomes a better choice.

 Writing enriches our minds with beautiful thoughts which improves our creativity with time.
 It also gives one a sense of purpose. We write to air out our opinions, to educate the audience and to provide solutions to daily challenges.

 We as humans are unique in that every one has a preference. We have people that prefer writing to narrating stories and it always appeals to audience from all walks of life since the deaf person can write through training but can not speak well. The blind also use braille to write.
 Certain circumstance like stage fright can out do us since some people are naturally shy while others become too nervous therefore writing makes it easier to conquer that fright. It calms us down and gives us a sense of certainty.

 We tend to seek peace by finding quiet places so that we write and bring our thoughts to life. This peace rejuvenates our bodies and keeps our mind in a state of silence. We are able to control our mind and body just like meditation.

 Over the years till today, History has been preserved through the written text. Discoveries in all fields have been preserved through writing. Ancient stories have been preserved through writing. Art like plays has been preserved through writing. Everything has flown from generation to generation through the written text. And this has enabled us to connect our past to our present.

 Without doubt, the writer's work will always be appreciated by the society and when the author passes on, they leave their legacy that lives forever.



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